Baby Banana

Musa Acuminata AA

Musa acuminata AA is a diploid banana variety known for its sweet flavor and soft texture. It belongs to the Musa acuminata species, which is the genetic foundation for many modern dessert bananas. Unlike the more common Cavendish banana, which is a triploid (AAA), the AA variety tends to be smaller, more aromatic, and highly prized in certain regions for fresh consumption. Its thin peel turns bright yellow when ripe, revealing a creamy, seedless pulp. The fruit is eaten raw or used in juices, desserts, and smoothies. Nutritionally, it is rich in carbohydrates, fiber, potassium, and vitamins B6 and C, supporting energy levels, digestion, and heart health.

Postharvest, Musa acuminata AA bananas should be stored at 12-15°C with high humidity to prevent chilling injury, which can cause blackening and texture deterioration. As a climacteric fruit, it produces significant ethylene, accelerating ripening. Controlled storage conditions, including proper ventilation and ethylene management, help maintain freshness and extend shelf life. Due to their delicate peel, these bananas require gentle handling to avoid bruising, ensuring optimal quality for consumption and distribution.